Sunday, February 17, 2013

5 Natural Headache Remedies

Quit collecting bottles!

It is reported that over 12 million Americans endure chronic headaches — meaning they have headaches more than 15 days out of every month. I am one of these sad people.
There is nothing more frustrating than grabbing for your bottle of over-the-counter headache medicine and finding an empty bottle. What's worse is when you are wincing in pain and you continue your search through the medicine cabinet and again come up empty handed. You are out of Excedrin, aspirin, ibuprofen, EVERYTHING! This means you must jump in the car and drive in the bright sunlight while holding your aching head. Then, you must listen to the loud speaker, the bleeping registers, and other various noises that pierce your cranium at the grocery to simply get 1 fabulous bottle of relief. This recently happened to me. My failed search turned up 4 empty bottles of headache medicine. This prompted me to wonder "can taking this much medicine be good for me"? My vote is probably not. So, what is a person who is trying to love a more "green" / "all-natural" lifestyle to do? I went on a new hunt....A hunt for all natural headache remedies.

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