Thursday, May 30, 2013

Much Ado About Strawberries......

It is vacation week for this Mommy May and her family so I have some AMAZING guest bloggers sharing their tips on healthy eating, living frugally, and being happy! Today, Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise shares TONS of things to do with my all time FAVORITE fruit - the STRAWBERRY! The timing is PERFECT because my family is actually growing some of our own strawberries this year (I ave great reports that the plants are doing well)! Realistically, we won't have near enough berries for the season- let alone a meal- but it was all about the experience!

Welcome! Glad Your Here!Check out Cathy's tips on how to use what I like to call "God's Candy". Then, stop over at Cathy's website A Peek Into My Paradise. Cathy shares some amazing recipes that will impress your friends and NOT stress you out! She blends in a pinch of her beautiful family for a full story of what makes Cathy's life PARADISE!

Thank you so much Cathy for Sharing...and you were right....I want to go across the street to the store to grab strawberries NOW!!!!

1 comment :

  1. Thank you for sharing Cathy! Great TIPS! This vacation gal is heading out for some strawberry pancakes NOW!
