Friday, May 31, 2013


It's PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun.... 
Click below and add your name to the list!
If you can not see the link the colored title to this post and it will appear!
  •  There are no real rules-except nothing x rated! 
  • Link up at least 1 post (max of 2) AND 1 social media site so we can all follow along!
  • Visit as many links as you can and leave comments! 
  • Its just like the game Follow the leader. Follow at least the person ahead of you and behind you. Follow others via twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin', etc 
  • Link back if you can and when!   Not required but appreciated!
  • If you have a blog hop today or this weekend...go ahead and link it up! 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Much Ado About Strawberries......

It is vacation week for this Mommy May and her family so I have some AMAZING guest bloggers sharing their tips on healthy eating, living frugally, and being happy! Today, Cathy from A Peek Into My Paradise shares TONS of things to do with my all time FAVORITE fruit - the STRAWBERRY! The timing is PERFECT because my family is actually growing some of our own strawberries this year (I ave great reports that the plants are doing well)! Realistically, we won't have near enough berries for the season- let alone a meal- but it was all about the experience!

Welcome! Glad Your Here!Check out Cathy's tips on how to use what I like to call "God's Candy". Then, stop over at Cathy's website A Peek Into My Paradise. Cathy shares some amazing recipes that will impress your friends and NOT stress you out! She blends in a pinch of her beautiful family for a full story of what makes Cathy's life PARADISE!

Thank you so much Cathy for Sharing...and you were right....I want to go across the street to the store to grab strawberries NOW!!!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Dirty Dozen...and the Clean 15

About 6 months ago, my family made a conscious decision to start our organic eating journey.  We traded in our fast food and pre-packaged foods for foods made from scratch and with ingredients not treated with chemicals, containing GMOs, or or altered in any way. Little did I know that - while the decision was easy - finding 100% of my foods in sunny Ohio bearing the "Organic" label would not be half as easy.

AboutSo....what did I do? I found an amazing blog from Christing Wiley - Juggling Real Food and Real Life - it was EXACTLY what I needed! She too took the journey from convenience to organic and highlighted her family's experience along the way! Christina actually breaks down  her real food journey in way in a VERY easy to follow! Her   "weekly challenges" show you how to easily begin eliminating processed foods in a step by step process. I WISH I HAD FOUND HER SOONER! She makes Juggling REAL FOOD and REAL LIFE so easy to do!

Here is one of m favorite posts from the talented Christina! "The Dirty Dozen" is a fantastic tool to have and understand when buying organic isn't always possible!

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Friday Follow Along - LINK UP!

It's PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun....

I have too many kids to make rules for you too so please add whatever you like! Etsy shops, blogs, giveaways, and other hops are ALL welcome! 
Everyone loves a good party so get mingle and make some new buddies

Thursday, May 23, 2013

How to REMOVE CRAYON from clothing!

Yep....admit it, it happens to you too!

You are on your last load of laundry and you pull the victorious load out of the dryer only to find that one of your lovely children had placed a crayon in their pocket and THE WHOLE LOAD IS COVERED IN RED WAX! happens to me frequently but today was down right irritating! We are leaving for vacation tomorrow and this load was all of my oldest son's shorts and shirts that should be sitting safely in the suitcase. I also should mention that I JUST took the tags off and now the clothes look ruined.

Crayons are often my nemesis. I finally removed some stubborn crayon from my wall using a lighter and clearly that wouldn't work on clothes!

Luckily for me...I was still able to SAVE the entire load!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Greening our Children LINK-UP With Hoppy Bottoms!

Meet My Green HoppyBottom Buddy - Kelly Gentry!

I LOVE that I started my "Green Journey" with just a few quick fixes and new items and has now turned into a way of life. Through my experiences, I have been given the opportunity to share what I am learning and have had the opportunity to influence others and become a part of a community who not only knows more about the "Green" Lifestyle than I do, but is willing to share best practices and tricks to help me along the way. One such friend is Kelly Gentry from Hoppy Bottoms! If you haven't checked her out....She is a Vegan (Go Kelly) and is FILLED with great eco-friendly information and even runs an "Eco" - baby and cloth diaper consulting business!

She was recently able to attend the "Greening our Children" event and meet the fabulous Jessica Alba! Today, she is going to share with you her experiences AND give you the opportunity to share yours with our ECO FAMILY LINK-UP!
 Read all about it then share your Eco friendly tips and posts to be shared on twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest! We look forward to see how you are getting "GREEN"!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Follow Along is LIVE!

It's PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun.... 
Click below and add your name to the list!
If you can not see the link the colored title to this post and it will appear!
  •  There are no real rules-except nothing x rated! 
  • Link up at least 1 post (max of 2) AND 1 social media site so we can all follow along!
  • Visit as many links as you can and leave comments! 
  • Its just like the game Follow the leader. Follow at least the person ahead of you and behind you. Follow others via twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin', etc 
  • Link back if you can and when!   Not required but appreciated!
  • If you have a blog hop today or this weekend...go ahead and link it up!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

10 Sources of Protein for Vegetarian and Vegans

and Meat Eaters Too!

I sometimes feel like a "weirdo" for being a vegetarian. It is hilarious how people (who would never think about nutrition for themselves....Uh hum....BIG MAC) dig into how I am able to get all of the proper nutrients and vitamins while maintaining my non meat commitment. I am taunted and teased --even by members of my own family-- about "needing a burger" and laughed at by strangers in restaurants for ordering my "burger - no meat". There is an entire conspiracy against us Vegetarians and Vegans...if you don't believe me, read this article on 10 things you only THOUGHT were vegetarian!  I am sure that everyone has their own quirk...right?  Can't I be allowed to determine what I eat?

At any rate...I wanted to clear the air about some vegetarian misconceptions as well as fill you in on how a vegetarians and vegans get their protein! These tips are also great for those of you who do eat meat as all of these protein sources are healthy, real food, and can easily be added into your diet!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Get your Mother's Day Pictures Developed!

Save MONEY this week when developing your pictures with Walgreens!

Walgreens Neighbors With Walgreen's Photo Services, you can quickly upload, edit, and order your prints! Remove red eye, add a border, crop, add effects and so much more. It is so EASY to do!

From your home computer, you can order prints in almost any size and even order  wall art, mugs, calenders and gifts (Father's Day is coming up!) then pick most items up at your local Walgreens in about an our OR have them shipped for FREE!

PLUS...Its like getting FREE online storage! I personally have photos stored all the way back to 4 years ago with NO CHARGE and no threat of deletion.

Get 4x6 prints for only 10 CENTS! (orders of 75 or more)

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Frugal Fit Family Friday Follow Along Party!

It's PARTY Time!

So grab a hand and follow the leader!

If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun.... 
Click below and add your name to the list!
If you can not see the link the colored title to this post and it will appear!
  •  There are no real rules-except nothing x rated! 
  • Link up at least 1 post AND 1 social media site so we can all follow along!
  • Visit as many links as you can and leave comments! 
  • Its just like the game Follow the leader. Follow at least the person ahead of you and behind you. Follow others via twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Bloglovin', etc 
  • Link back if you can and when!   Not required but appreciated!
  • If you have a blog hop today or this weekend...go ahead and link it up!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Coco-nutty For Coconut.... 8 Beauty Tips

YOU Should Be Coco-nutty Too!

So, I have recently become a NUT for coconut products! Yesterday I had some of the most amazing coconut water (first sip, I thought..yuck but after that it was pretty refreshing and tasty) and I cook almost everything with coconut oil! I  thought that coconut was only good for healthy reasons(click here to read about the health benefits of coconut) but I am finding that there are TONS of beauty benefits to the ugly coconut!

Coconut oil is jam packed with Vitamin E and fatty acids (like lauric acid, myristic acid, capric acid and more) which are anti-fungal, anti-oxidizing and anti-bacterial so you body LOVES them! Until about a year or so ago, you never heard much about the benefits of the coconut. People were a bit put off by the "fats" in the coconut oil but just like the avocado....the coconut fought back and earned its place as a superfood! It is even beig hailed as the closest natural thing to Mother's Milk!

Why look to coconut oil instead of over the counter serums and moisturizers?

Most of the products over the counter  contain a lot of water. While your skin feels moisturized at first, when the water dries does your skin. Many brands of moisturizers also contain petroleum-based ingredients that can suffocate the skin. Coconut oil provides deep moisture that is pure and healthy.Coconut oil is even known to strengthen your underlying tissue while ridding your top layer from flaky dead skin cells. PLUS, you can save some major money! 1 teaspoon is enough to moisturize your entire body!

What to look for....
Look for coconut oils labeled with words like "extra virgin", "unbleached", and "unrefined". Organic is best :) When you first apply coconut oil to your skin, it will feel oily at first but it absorbs very quickly into the skin! You can buy coconut oil almost anywhere! Check your grocery store or a specialty shop like Trader Joes for the best price. I pay anywhere between 8 ad 11 bucks for a 16 ounce jar--it is going to last you a while unless you use it as much as I do!


Here are some ways to use that crazy coconut to boost your beauty routine!


Does your Hair Need Some Love?

Dry or Damaged Hair? 
Rub some coconut oil into ends of hair at least an our before washing hair. The damaged hair will soak up some much needed moisture!

Looking for a  High Gloss Look?
After washing, drying and styling your hair, rub a small amount of coconut oil into the palms of your hands then lightly work it in to your hair.

Dry scalp?
Rub a small amount of coconut oil into your scalp before bed. Sleep in a shower cap or cover your pillow! Wash your hair in the morning! Repeat this nightly until the dryness is gone!

Looking to Brighten and soften skin?

Make an exfoliating facial scrub!
Mix coconut oil with an equal part of baking soda and then massage into your face. Rinse with warm water!

Clean your face then pat dry then apply a light coating of coconut oil. Leave on overnight- you may want to cover the pillow with a towel. Repeat each night until desired results are achieved. In the beginning, you may see an increase in the amount of oils and acne BUT this is your skin detoxifying and sending the acne causing junk to the top of the skin.

 Dry Skin Patches?
Massage in Coconut oil daily to soften and treat skin.

Do you need Soft....Kissable Lips?
Start using coconut oil in place of your lip balm. The moisturizing benefits will be soaked up and will leave your lips soft and silky!

Are you after Soft & Silky skin?
Use it as your daily moisturizer! This is especially great for legs!  Rub it into your skin just like you would your favorite lotion. It will quickly absorb into the skin and nourish you from the inside out!

So....Coconut is good for things other than pina coladas and bras! Coconut is a powerful ally in your war to become healthier, softer, and a bit greener!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May Series- Diets from A-Z

 B is for .......THE BEVERLY HILLS DIET!
Will you celebrate weight loss?

If you are following the May series, you know that I am covering as many Diets from A-Z that I can... Click HERE to see the complete list.

Well, I got to B for Beverly Hills Diet BUT found a few other cool B's so you get a bonus on the letter B. I couldn't stop at just one and so be honest, I will revisit the letter B in the next post simply because there were so many fun B diets!

All Natural Mold Cleaners


And you may already have them in your pantry!

 As much as we hate to admit it, at one time or another, we all find some mold...somewhere! Especially now when we are opening up summer rooms, getting patios ready, and (yuck) spring cleaning. It can be outside, under kitchen or bathroom tiles, under sinks...anywhere moisture can end up that doesn't get a good flow of air. Installing a bathroom fan can be a great way to reduce or even prevent mold. But what should you do when you are looking for an all natural mold cleaner? I have made a commitment not  to use chemicals in my home so I need to stick to it  but I had to find safe alternatives to cleaners once the damage was done.

The Good News is that there are many ALL NATURAL MOLD CLEANERS!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Its Giveaway May!!

 The Prizes are falling from the Sky


So What are you waiting for.....get entered!

Why did we pick May to give out awesome prizes?!?.....just because we wanted to! We have teamed up with some awesome blogger buddies to be able to provide prizes like  FREE AD SPACES, $250 gift card to Sephora, A FREE Hello Fresh Deliver or 4 Kona Kases, and so much more! 

There will be new raffle's added all month long so please be sure to stop back by and enter to win!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Frugal Fit Family Friday Follow Along Party!

Logo Design by Frugal Fit Family Friday - Follow Along  Party #6!

Raise the roof!! Its Friday!!!

 If you have a blog or website with any article pertaining to family, fitness, being cheap (I mean frugal), crafting, recipes, or is just plain fun.... get in the party! There is also a spot for social media sites so you an grab a few new followers along the way!

Nothing to post? Check out some fun new projects that others have been up to!

Diets from A-Z - A is for Adkins

A is for ADKINS!

During the month of May, I plan  to give you the low down on at least 26 different ways that we have designed to loose weight. In doing research, I found hundreds of diets so I want to learn more and share everything I can find! Some of these may be faith based, some physician inspired, and some are true CRASH diets.

Click HERE for the complete list of diets from A-Z that I will be going through. I will continue to link in so that you have a complete guide at month's end!